JANUARY NEWSLETTER What’s Happening – January 2025 First, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year! There are a couple of events that will probably overshadow most of this year’s other events, PCA’s 70thAnniversary and PCA FTR’s 10th Anniversary. 

The National PCA Office is currently planning a major celebration that involves simultaneous events for all PCA Regions, like the Porsche Get Together Fest you may have attended. The date has been set for September 13th, 2025. We will combine that event with our own 10th Anniversary celebration. I am looking for volunteers to form a committee to work with Porsche of Ocala for hosting that event. A charity component should also be part of this. More to follow later.

This month we have a board/transition meeting scheduled for January 14th. This event is for the ‘old’ board to hand over to the ‘new’ board. It will be an in-person meeting to get every new board member and office holders acquainted. At the meeting we also confirm all committee positions. Any future board meeting will be mostly by Zoom. I am trying to find a way so that any member who wants to, can at least listen in. Or maybe a recording can be made available besides the meeting minutes.

Given that our new board and office holders consist of mostly new volunteers, it will take us a while to kick off the regular event schedule. So, please be patient. It might take us a little while to get started. 

There has been an event already held this year, the Villages Cars Show in Jan 4th. This event was planned in the previous year. I am planning in setting up a complete year’s events calendar for different types of events alternating throughout the year. Besides Drive & Dines and other Driving Events we will be having regular Cars & Coffees. The first Cars and Coffee is scheduled to happen in February at Porsche of Ocala, with a Driving Event following in March. No further details are available at this stage. We are still in the planning phase. As soon as we have an event calendar finalized, I will send it out to everyone.

For January, we have a Social Night scheduled for Jan, 22nd at Mimi’s. The notification and sign-up are out, you need to hurry, it fills up fast! We will continue with monthly Social Nights throughout 2025, thanks to Darryl Needels and Donna Schafer.

I have also finalized the results of our 2024 Member Survey. I will send the results out soon in a separate e-mail.

If you have any ideas for events or other activities, please send them to our new Activities chair, R J Miller ( Also, if you want to organize a driving event, let him know as well. We are reorganizing the way we do the driving events. There will be a new procedure that will make it easier to setup and run any driving event.

We made it into Panorama as well, current issue. See page 100. Thanks to Dan for the writeup.

Finally, my goal is to send out regular News Letters like this every month. Also, I would like to make more information available online about anything relevant to our region. That should include Board Meeting Minutes, Financial Reports, Event Schedules etc. I’m still working on a way to do this efficiently and securely.

That’s it for now. If you have any questions are would like to volunteer for any of the upcoming events, let me know. 

Reinhard Hussel, President, PCA FTR